Technical sheet-ophtalmologies-tunisia-freedom-medical
Reference V2000
Description & indication The ESNOPER V2000 scleral implant is a non-absorbale implant that provides a fixed, permanent intrascleral space that facilitates the drainage of aqueous humor.

It is indicated for non-penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS)
in open-angle glaucoma surgery.

The ESNOPER is placed on the scleral bed. This method favors the trabecular way, which is the classic drainage way of the aqueous humor

Dimensions 3.00mm X 1.40mm X 2.85mm.
Orifices 2 (suture/drainage).
Longitudinal orifice Drainage.
Material Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate (HEMA).
Supply The ESNOPER V2000 implant is supplied single and sterile in a vial, housed by a clamp support that is immersed in high purified water to maintain it properly hydrated
Shelf-life 3 years

*Product with CE marking

EPNP surgical equipment

Brand name KIT EPNP
Product code AJL- KIT-001
Definition NPDS (non-penetrating deep sclerectomy) Kit.
Description The EPNP Kit is presented in a rigid plastic blister in which the following references are grouped(*):

EPNP-2001Liebermann Blepharo 14mm. • EPNP-2004Mermoud Clamp.
EPNP-2002Double Scleral Marker. • EPNP-2005Curved micro-scissor.
EPNP-2003Mermoud Spatula. • PST-4600ASterilisation box (10x16x2 cm).


*The instruments can be supplied as a set (NPDS Kit) or separately

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À propos de nous

Freedom distribution est une entreprise privée, spécialisée dans la distribution d’équipements, d’implants et d’accessoires ophtalmiques et divers technologies médicale innovante en Tunisie et en Afrique . la société propose une large gamme d’accessoires chirurgicaux hautement qualifiés, expérimentés et certifiés pour fournir un service optimal a ces partenaires. 

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